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The Ninoshenh Fund

Asigizhooniyaawe  (collects money as a donation)

How the fund can help

The fund aims to reduce financial barriers to accessing support. Ninoshenh aims to support connections for caregivers and can support persons preexisting village, or help to build this sacred village around them. Where possible, we want to alleviate some financial barriers through our community sponsorship and donation program. 

Donations and proceeds from all fundraising sales go into the Ninoshenh fund, which aims at reducing financial barriers to support. This can include funding supports like Birth Workers (Doula), Natural Health Practitioners, and Counseling services.  It can also include resources such as food deliveries and emergency supplies.

The Fund

Ninoshenh Baby Onesies with Art from Sharifah Marsden

baby onesies for a cause. Get a one of a kind baby onesie with proceeds going towards the Ninoshenh Fund. They have the amazing artwork of Sharifah Marsden on eco-friendly materials.

The Fund

Donate a Care Package

Through the fund you can choose to donate directly to a care package for a Mama or Auntie. The care package is designed specifically for the individual to provided needed community care. The packages can include items such as food deliveries or emergency supplies.

The Fund

The Ninoshenh Community

Ninoshenh (Auntie) Counseling is about building the village around Mama’s and Aunties at all stages, including pregnancy. Our community of support can include collaboration with Birth Workers, including Midwives, Birth Keepers (Doulas), and Natural Health Practitioners. 

Accessing support services can have many challenges. Financial accessibility doesn’t need to be one of them. You can make a specific donation to help wrap services around a Mama or Auntie.

*NEW Collaboration – Ninoshenh baby onesies are now carried by Shining bear Designs

To see our current collection of Baby Onesies and T-shirts visit Shining Bear Designs.  Our onesies have Art by Sharifah Marsden.

Shining Bear Designs is an Anishnabe woman owned business based out of BC.  The owner is Samantha and she designs and creates wearable teachings.

 Browse Our Collection Here:

Shining Bear Designs

Shining Bear Designs, Wearable Art