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Wiidookaw (How we can help)

Ninoshenh Counseling is an Indigenous owned business.  We offer wholistic services from an Indigenous approach to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous People.

The name Ninoshenh, means Auntie in Anishnabemowin. Representing the vital role of Auntie’s supporting women and children.  The children are the foundation for all the work we do.  Whether it be past, present or future generations, the children are at the heart of it.

Ninoshenh Counseling is a space for people to walk along your healing journey, whether you are a caregiver or not. We all have stories to unearth to support the growth of our future generations. At Ninoshenh Counseling, through storytelling, resources and support, we build strong pathways for our communities’ futures. 

Aadizooke – They tell a Sacred Story

Every person has a story to tell. Ninoshenh provides a space to tell that story, and have someone walk with you throughout the story. 

Our stories bring to light our truth (debwewin), which is a sacred connection to who we are at our core being. Who we were when our spirit first made its journey into this world.  We look at in what ways we have connected to our truth and in what ways have we disconnected.  

This space is for people to decide what they want to explore and what connections they want to focus on.  Connection to self is walking in our own sacred stories. 

Ninoshenh Counseling is supported by the care and specialty of Aunties. Miigwech (Thank you) for taking the time to explore our website.

Photo of Roberta Frantzis. Wearing long beaded bear earrings. Log cabin wall behind her.

About the Practice Owner

Roberta Frantzis is Anishnabe from Saugeen and Neyaashiinigmiing and Metis/Cree from Moose Factory and the Red River, as well as European heritage. She has been in the helping profession for 20+ years. In that time, she has worked with children, youth and families.

As a registered Social Worker (RSW), a Mama of two boys, and a fierce Auntie, Roberta started Ninoshenh Counseling from the vital need she saw for therapeutic spaces to have an Indigenous approach. All of Roberta’s life experiences and training have been a path toward supporting our communities to create this healing space. All too often, people and especially caregivers do not have a village to wrap around them. We know the more support we have and truly feel connected to, the better outcomes there are for individuals, families and communities. 

Ninoshenh (Auntie) Counseling is about building the village around our communities.  Our support can include collaboration with Birth Workers: including Midwives, Birth Keepers (Doulas), Natural Health Practitioners, Play Therapists, Coaches and more.

“With every generation of children comes the chance to create a Canada anew. A chance to create a First Nations community anew. One that represents the ancestors’ dreams of that community.”

– Cindy Blackstock 

Inaazakonenjige  (s/he goes to a certain place with light, shines a light to a certain place)

Ninoshenh Counseling is a practice that provides services from an Indigenous worldview. This includes resources, storytelling, and support. Such approaches may include the medicine wheel, connecting with nature, and community resources. 

We are respecting space for clients to be in their truth, to walk in their debwewin (truth). Our truth is connected to all parts of us: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

“We ought to recognize that our greatest battle is not with one another but with our pain, our problems, and our flaws. To be hurt, yet forgive. To do wrong, but forgive yourself. To depart from this world leaving only love. This is the reason you walk.”

― Wab Kinew, The Reason You Walk: A Memoir

Black Onesie

The Ninoshenh Fund

Donations and proceeds from all fundraising sales go into the Ninoshenh fund. The Ninoshenh fund aims at reducing financial barriers to support. This can include funding supports like (Doula) Birth Workers, Natural Health Practitioners, and Counseling.  It can also include resources such as food deliveries and emergency supplies.



We’re here to help

We are here to answer questions about anything you see on this website.  At Ninoshenh Counseling we value Community. This is the first step to determine if we are a good addition to your community.  Do you have additional questions about our counseling and community services? We’d love to hear from you! Just fill out our handy form, and we’ll be in touch soon!